
Showing posts from July, 2020


No matter where you live and travel, it’s important to drive safely on crammed highways, After all, these fast and crammed high ways come with their own set of challenges. So when you are on these Highways keep the safety tips in your mind otherwise you’ll face many problems. On Time Sydney Towing tells some problems and their solution that how to drive on crammed highways in Matcham , Marlow and Mangrove Mountain Sharing the road with Semis Driving on crammed Highway means that sharing the road with plenty of semi-trucks. There are many truck drivers in NSW . When sharing Highways with these large trucks, it means there are so many chances to met an accident, so be sure to give plenty of room when passing and merging in front of them and use your blinker. Cutting off a semi truck can cause the trucker to have to brake suddenly, which may cause them to lose control. Maximize your visibility A good view from the driver’s seat may help ensure your safety, and make sure that ...

Parking mistakes that will get your vehicle towed

Ontime Sydney Towing is always concerned about you and your vehicle safety. Here we give some parking tips in order to avoid common mistakes related to it. Just follow it and park your car safely in Lisarow , Little Wobby , Lower Mangrove areas of Sydney . Not checking before you leave If that you are visiting some place, it's consistently a smart thought to have a notion of what kind of parking is accessible before you set off. This will spare you burning through your time driving here and there, to and fro, looking for a space that may not be there. Is there any vehicle parking close by? Free parking? A touch of exploration will help with preparation. Trying to park in a gap that’s too small This is a typical misstep, particularly with regards to resemble parking. What's more, this isn't just about the size of your vehicle. It's likewise about your certainty. Attempting to get in a small gap can be upsetting, particularly on the off chance that...

Why frequent check on Fuel levels is essential

Being a vehicle owner you should know that keeping gas in your vehicle's fuel tank is a must. But you might think what is the minimum limit of gas is that you should always have in your fuel tank. The fuel pump is a vital part of your vehicle's fuel system, as it makes sure your engine gets the fuel it needs to keep running. So, here's why you should keep on checking the fuel level in your vehicle.  Ontime Sydney Towing   offers all kind of specialized maintenance and recovery services at  Concord Towing  and surrounding areas.  To maintain the level of Fuel in vehicle A fuel gauge  or  gas gauge  is an instrument in the car that is used to indicate the amount of fuel in a fuel tank. We know how much you rely on your car to get through every day, whether you going on a long trip, or takes a longer route to go office or always at hand to get on the road for anything you need. You should keep a check on fuel level...


If your vehicle has suffered a breakdown or you have gotten into a collision, and your vehicle is no longer safe enough to be driven, you will most likely be needed to seek help from a towing company to take it to the nearest repair shop. Stressing out is common in such situations, and there is an increasing number of tow truck service providers who try to exploit the drivers in these situations. Here are a few steps you must keep in mind to get your vehicle safely towed: It should be you or the police to be the one who calls a towing service provider, always refuse for help if an unmarked or unsolicited tow truck appears on the scene. Opt for a trusted and reputed tow truck operator; non-professionals can cause further damage to the car. If there is confusion regarding which one to opt, go for  Ontime Sydney Towing's tow truck service in Sydney  as it is the most trusted towing provider in town. Waiting for the tow truck to arrive, on the road can be quite dange...


The life expectancy for your car battery is four to six years. Several factors depend how long your battery will last like weather conditions, vehicle type and driving habits. On time Sydney Towing  defines the life of a battery and its states: Slow engine crank When you try to start the vehicle, the cranking of the engine is slothful and takes long time to start Low battery fluid level Car batteries typically have a part of the covering that’s transparent so you can always keep an eye on your battery’s fluid level. If the fluid level is low it’s time to go to service shop and get your battery tested Battery leak Leaking also cause deterioration around the wires where battery is connected. It must be removed otherwise your car can be get damaged. Old age Your battery can last well beyond three years but, at the very least, have its current condition checked on yearly basis. Extreme temperatures kill batteries The extreme hot days of the summer take the ...


Jumpstarting a vehicle is super simple, though it is a serious business and can be injurious if done wrong. All you need to deal with a flat battery and get back on the road is a set of jumper cables, another car, and  Ontime Sydney Towing's   guideline on how to safely jumpstart your vehicle. However, if you are not confident enough to do it on your own, it is better to call for   Ontime Sydney Towing's  quick roadside assistance and  tow truck service in Sydney . We are operating around the clock in areas like  Artarmon ,  Cherrybrook ,  Gordon , and many others. To jumpstart safely without shocking yourself, follow these steps: 1) Check batteries: Make sure that both the batteries are of the same voltage and none of them is damaged. 2) Ready cars: Park both the cars close to each other to connect the cables, but not close enough that they touch each other as it can cause a short circuit. Turn off the ignition, lights, and accessories of...


Several safety considerations have to be kept in mind whether you are towing a trailer or a caravan. It is always advised to hire  Ontime Sydney Towing's   services if you are in need to tow anything as it will be done by the professionals who are experts in their domain. We can provide you a   quick tow truck service in Sydney  around  Padstow ,  Peakhurst ,  Penshurst , and many other surrounding areas. Caravanning and safe towing requires some knowledge and a dose of common sense along with the due training and experience. If you intend to do it on your own, you will have to get proper licensing, and it is also necessary that you attend a training course to learn the art of towing a caravan safely and efficiently. Here are a few pro tips lined up by our crew members to tow a caravan securely: Watch out the towing capacity of your vehicle Your vehicle can tow weight up to a certain extent. The maximum weight a vehicle can tow can be found on t...


The term roadside assistance refers to a combination of services that assist motorists whose vehicles have suffered a breakdown with various mechanical and towing solutions.   Ontime Sydney Towing  is a one-stop-shop for all these services, especially if you are around  Ryde ,  North Sydney ,  Bexley , and all the neighboring areas. The issues we can resolve range from a flat tire and dead battery to minor repair and vehicle recovery. Many other companies are also providing these services, but what makes  Ontime Sydney Towing  different from others is its quick response time. As we truly understand how crucial our role is in rescuing the ones who are stranded and how serious can the consequences of delayed roadside assistance be. Some of the consequences of delayed roadside assistance are discussed below: Increased damage to the car There can be some problems with the car that may get worse if the roadside assistance providers take more time...

Dangers of Driving in fatigue

Fatigue has a huge impact on your driving and can affect your ability to drive safely, similar to the effect of drunk driving. We spend around one third of our lifetime sleeping, and that’s because we need to. When we’re not getting enough sleep we become a risk on the road to ourselves and others. Many people think fatigue is only a problem for long-distance drives; however it is just as relevant for short-distance drives. People generally don't become fatigued from driving. Usually they are already tired when they get behind the wheel from long hours, shift work, lack of sleep, or physically demanding roles.   Ontime Sydney Towing tells us that how dangerous is to driving in fatigue: Causes of drowsy driving a lack of quality sleep driving when you would normally be sleeping (overnight) Sleep disorders such as insomnia, a sleeping condition that causes tiredness throughout the day. Signs that you are in Fatigue: Yawning or blinking frequently. Missing your exit. Dr...


Ontime Sydney Towing is not only the best and most affordable towing and roadside assistance service provider in the town, but it also takes pride in being one of those organizations that take Corporate Social Responsibility very seriously. Educating its clients about the basics of vehicle maintenance, acting upon which they can avoid breakdowns and keep themselves away from all the hassles, is one such initiative in this regard.  In this article, the experts of Ontime Sydney Towing will guide you regarding the steps you can take to ensure that your car is in good condition and that it can get you to your destination and back safely. A road trip can be a lot of fun but at the same time, a long drive is a serious test for your vehicle. Your best planning can be undone if your car leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere. Nothing could be worse or scarier than having your car breakdown hundreds of miles away from your home. If you find yourself in any such situation, availi...

Dealing with Locked Out Keys situation

Attendance running late? Friends waiting? Wouldn’t want to miss out the pictures? But overlooking the car keys wasn’t your fault amidst dealing a trillion other things around. Say no more, your one stop shops  On time Sydney Towing  is on its way to the rescue. But what are the odds of waiting in need of expert auto care? There is a vast range of choosing for the  best and affordable rates  in Sydney.  On time Sydney Towing  caters  cheap towing rates  for an even wider range of vehicles as well as hefty machinery. Make sure to keep a check on simple precautions beforehand the arrival of adroit auto care from On time Sydney Towing: Appropriate parking spot: Park your vehicle at a secure place, with lesser crammed automobiles as with a locked vehicle the incessant network of ongoing traffic should not be affected. For safety reasons too, your vehicle should be in a separated but public area within the vicinity of the incident.   Adequate ...


Ontime Sydney Towing is not only the best and most affordable towing and roadside assistance service provider in the town, but it also takes pride in being one of those organizations that take Corporate Social Responsibility very seriously. Educating its clients about the basics of vehicle maintenance, acting upon which they can avoid breakdowns and keep themselves away from all the hassles, is one such initiative in this regard.  In this article, the experts of Ontime Sydney Towing will guide you regarding the steps you can take to ensure that your car is in good condition and that it can get you to your destination and back safely. A road trip can be a lot of fun but at the same time, a long drive is a serious test for your vehicle. Your best planning can be undone if your car leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere. Nothing could be worse or scarier than having your car breakdown hundreds of miles away from your home. If you find yourself in any such situation, avai...

Solutions to routine car glitches

The rising consternation assisting the untimely smoke coming out of your automobile can be a real glitch in a flawless road trip journey or an urgent business meetup. Similarly, out of mere hysteria opting for an expeditious towing company will be your million-dollar question. On time Sydney Towing believes in punctual adroit auto care serving 24/7 car towing in Sydney. Affordable rates to relieve the burden on monetary budgets devised for auto maintenance.  Tow truck services in Sydney offer various variables for prompt towing but at what cost? Make sure to ensure a proficient towing procedure at cost-effective rates. On a brighter note, you may even want to learn automotive remedies for day-to-day auto crisis, without calling for a promised towing service in Sydney: Inadequate tyre pressure: Get a weekly check for your tyres, with the increase in road journeys. Tyres tend to deteriorate at a faster pace with the absence of a proper tyre pressure inspection. On time Sydney...